Haven't found in a Google Search ...
We would like to Sort Pie Chart Slice absolute values Descending.
Simple solution?
TIA, Bob
You can define sort on "category" for the measure in descending order
Sent from my ZUK Z2132 using Tapatalk
Thank you Kiran.
Will check at work tomorrow and report back here, Bob
find attachment.
Pratap G
Kiran and Pratap G ...
I had a "Legacy" Pie Chart which does NOT give as good a presentation
as the "newer" Tabular Data Set pie. Comparing the two ... I like the
Tabular Data Set Pie MUCH more.
I have noticed (haven't found ... yet) how to display what "Legacy"
called "Absolute and Percentage". Will keep looking for "Percentage"
capability in a Tabular Data Set pie.
THANK both of you, Bob
Quote from: Cognos_Jan2017 on 28 Feb 2018 10:15:37 AM
Kiran and Pratap G ...
I had a "Legacy" Pie Chart which does NOT give as good a presentation
as the "newer" Tabular Data Set pie. Comparing the two ... I like the
Tabular Data Set Pie MUCH more.
I have noticed (haven't found ... yet) how to display what "Legacy"
called "Absolute and Percentage". Will keep looking for "Percentage"
capability in a Tabular Data Set pie.
THANK both of you, Bob
Are you Looking for Sorting?
If so, Click on Data Container of Visualization/Chart --> Data Item (Categories)-->Properties(chart Node member Properties)-->Sorting--->Drag and Drop data item in Sort List -->Click on Descending or Ascending as per your Requirement.
This will applicable to all the below Pie Visualizations.
1 and 2 are New Visualizations
3 is Legacy Visualization
4 is from Charts.
Compared to Chart Pie .. Pie Visualization will be visually good and you can make it to Do-nut too..by giving the Radius of Do-nut or Do-nut width 0.4 or 40% depend up on Pie Visualization/Chart
Quote from: Pratap Reddy on 02 Mar 2018 04:26:00 AM
If so, Click on Data Container of Visualization/Chart --> Data Item (Categories)-->Properties(chart Node member Properties)-->Sorting--->Drag and Drop data item in Sort List -->Click on Descending or Ascending as per your Requirement.
Thank you Pratap.
I have utilized the "Sorting" process you sent w/ attachment in a Visualization "Tabular Data Set".
The "Value" I use is "TestCount" which is ...
Count ([Incident Internal ID] For [Cause Of Incident])
from a List Section Footer
I have NOT yet Written a Data Item to "Count" for Overall Report.
In theory, I should be able to concatenate 2 Data Items and Sort
on that, UNLESS it treats that as text.
It's just that a Legacy Chart allows displaying Values as "Absolute and Percentage"
based on the "TestCount" Data Item. Was hoping Visualization Pie would do the same.
Your thoughts?
TIA, Bob
I did add a Query Calculation to find the "Count" for each [Location Code], then divided ...
[TestCount]/[Location_TestCount] ===> [Pct_Count].
Tried to concatenate that to [Cause Of Incident], but had to convert both to Strings
by ...
Cast([Cause Of Incident], varchar(50))
Cast([Pct_Count], varchar(50))
... hoping to use in Categories for Legend to see something like
... 12, 42% ... which did NOT work.
Any other ideas?
TIA, Bob
Was able to add a Singleton which displays something like "7 Entries for Cause Of Incidents".
So, Visualization Pie has Percentage Labels on the Slices, and Singleton.
Still unable to get Count and Percentage as a Label on Pie Slices.