Is there anyway possible to see what SQL/Cognos SQL is running in the background when we choose options from the left (Package-Data Elements) and run a List Report. I need to see which Subject Queries are running that we established from the package that we deployed? I don't know if it's hitting the Subject Queries and Relationships within them (STAR) OR, the List Query is taking too many objects to get the main Subject Query to execute the SQL Against the DB?
I reviewed the Subject Queries to make sure I don't have any running relationships and they are look great NOW! But I'm not sure what the List Report within the Report-List is being utilized.
Thanks so much for your time. :) :)
I depend on the generated sql from report studio.
I believe the relationship/join that it will use is sorted alphabetically.
In case in your model you have multiple joins to a query, it will use the first relationship name sorted alphabetically.
Well, I am not 100% sure, but I have asked a similar question before, since in my model I have loop relationships.
Yeah! I spent the weekend and fixed the issues using Aliases. Thanks for the response. :)