OTH0118710778 OTH0118710778-G-01 OTH0118710778-1
OTH0118713380 OTH0118713380-G-01 OTH0118713380-1
OTH0118713380 OTH0118713380-G-01 OTH0118713380-2
OTH0118713380 OTH0118713380-G-01 OTH0118713380-3
I have a dataset (see above sample) that, when transposed and rendered as a crosstab, groups the data so that the values OTH0118713380 and OTH0118713380-G-01 only appear once.
Is there a way the report can fill the values into all cells (the rpeort is output as xlxs)?
Thanks in advance,
What version of Cognos?
Hi Doug - I posted in the Cognos Analytics forum, so v11 (11.0.7, specifically).
I am not sure this will help your scenario, but
from another thread answered by Kiran P. ...
Will this help ?? ...
There is a property Group Repeating Cells When Exporting To Excel in report properties which when set to No will in-group and show values in every cell.
Hi - yes, that's perfect. Thanks so much - I haven't come across that one before, but very useful.
You are welcome. Glad to help.
Kiran P taught me that. The beauty of Cognoise is that we can learn from (and teach) each other.