I have requirement i need to download concerned/Particular tab visualization,list etc of MHT in active reports.
i have tried it with Hyperlink Button and gave URL(General with https Link) in that,its working fine(opened page).when i try to give MHT URL,its not working fine and i need to download the concerned page as well.
Concept: if i have three tabs
In Tab 2 i have List and i use Hyperlink button in that to download that particular MHT Tab 2.
Is it possible or do we have any alternate possibility?
Thanks in Advance
Quote from: Pratap Reddy on 24 Jan 2018 03:05:24 AM
I have requirement i need to download concerned/Particular tab visualization,list etc of MHT in active reports.
i have tried it with Hyperlink Button and gave URL(General with https Link) in that,its working fine(opened page).when i try to give MHT URL,its not working fine and i need to download the concerned page as well.
Concept: if i have three tabs
In Tab 2 i have List and i use Hyperlink button in that to download that particular MHT Tab 2.
Is it possible or do we have any alternate possibility?
Thanks in Advance
No, and no. Sorry. Active Reports are designed for use both online and offline, and concepts like downloading a visualization or a card of a deck wouldn't be viable if you were offline. You can't do this.
Thanks MFGF