I am currently using cognos 11 multi tab dashboard and want to show list or cross tab in second tab along with measure. Is it possible?
Quote from: sunny bachan prasad on 23 Jan 2018 07:13:45 AM
I am currently using cognos 11 multi tab dashboard and want to show list or cross tab in second tab along with measure. Is it possible?
Yes. Drag in either a crosstab or a table from the visualizations pane:
Hi MF,
Thanks for the time but i think List is not working as usual in report studio. I am satisfied with cross tab. I was thinking to show some detail data in second tab of dashboard in list.Please share your experience if you have any on this.
Quote from: sunny bachan prasad on 24 Jan 2018 12:33:25 AM
Hi MF,
Thanks for the time but i think List is not working as usual in report studio. I am satisfied with cross tab. I was thinking to show some detail data in second tab of dashboard in list.Please share your experience if you have any on this.
Can you explain what "List is not working as usual" means?
MF thanks for your time. I was trying to say that list is not coming as it used to come in report studio. all the items are coming under one column as shown in attached snapshot.
Quote from: sunny bachan prasad on 26 Jan 2018 06:53:27 AM
MF thanks for your time. I was trying to say that list is not coming as it used to come in report studio. all the items are coming under one column as shown in attached snapshot.
Report Studio is now just authoring and you can still use that in Cognos 11 for all that familiar functionality. The dashboard tool offers different functionality.
Within the dashboard tool the table object might be closer to what you are interested in. There is a user guide for dashboards and stories which might help you:
Quote from: sunny bachan prasad on 26 Jan 2018 06:53:27 AM
MF thanks for your time. I was trying to say that list is not coming as it used to come in report studio. all the items are coming under one column as shown in attached snapshot.
You must be doing something very strange! It works perfectly for me...
OP appears to be using the List object rather than the Table object that you've highlighted.
Hi MF,
Could yoou please maximize and see if it is List as shown in attached snapsot. Since i tried again but i am getting same output.
Quote from: sunny bachan prasad on 26 Jan 2018 11:59:19 AM
Hi MF,
Could yoou please maximize and see if it is List as shown in attached snapsot. Since i tried again but i am getting same output.
MFGF suggested a TABLE object, not a list, and posted a screenshot of it. I suggested a TABLE object after you posted a screenshot showing a list. MFGF then showed the output again using a TABLE object, not a list.
Can you try using a TABLE object rather than a list? This used to be called a grid but was renamed in R7. The List object used to be called a hierarchy. Take a look at the first screenshot that MFGF posted which shows all the objects in the toolbox and has a highlight of the table object.
Hi Lynn/MFGF,
Thanks for your time and suggestion. Yes table solve my problem.