The one in the top right corner of the screen. The one outlined in the attachment.
Also, anyone have a link to a reasonable web page that can corroborate that name?
The image that you see in cognos portal is in svg format. The image you are looking for consists of two parts as given below. If you need an icon, you may need to use a svg icon creator and create one. Alternatively you can use a snap tool in windows to take a screenshot of the image and crop/adjust the size as per your needs and save that as a .png or .jpg to use it in your extensions.
<circle cx="12" cy="8.001" r="7"></circle>
<path d="M18 17H6c-1.616 0-3 1.382-3 3v3h18v-3c0-1.618-1.383-3-3-3z"></path>
In older versions of CA if you hovered your mouse pointer over the icon a tool tip with the text 'Personal menu' would appear.
The documentation speaks of it by that name so I imagine that its name is the personal menu icon.
Oops, I misread your post and thought you are looking for the image name so that you can use it in extensions. Sry for the confusion.
The menu is usually referred to as Personal Menu.