Hi All, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
I am struggling with a drill-thru issue... I first setup a test, creating a Source Report from Cube A and a Target Report from Cube B, I had some challenges because the Date I was passing was not identical m/yyyy vs. mm/yyyyy, so single digit months where an issue. I used the following Code to get around it: (caption([Manufacturing Month])contains ?MM/YYYY?) and (caption([Manufacturing Month])<> ('1' + ?MM/YYYY?)) and that worked. Next challenge was my Part Number I had to use category code for the target part number due to the fact the member(display part number has the description || to it. But I got that working to. Eventually I was able to Drill thru using list reports for both the Source and target coming from different cubes.
Then I tried to apply the same type of logic to a Chart from the Source Cube and Chart from Target Cube. The issue I am having is: no error, but the Target report is Prompting me even through I am passing it parms!!! >:( Any ideas??
What version are you using? There's a rather sophisticated drill-thru debug in 8.3
Try adding up ReportExpression ParamValue(?param_you_pass?) and making your filter optional -- that'd give you passed value.
We are currently using version 8.2
I have seen these kinds of problems before where the type of the passed value does not match the expected type for the parameter. For example - the source report passes a single date, but the target report is expecting a date range. It's probably worth checking exactly how your parameters are defined, then making sure that you are passing appropriate values from the source report or package.