Hello All,
Hoping someone may be able to shed a little light on aproblem I'm encountering.
I'm trying to join two queries in the query explorer. They are created fom the same powercube. I have reduced this down to simply adding the same 'year' level into each query and adding an = join with 1..1 cadinality on both sides. I then add the 'year' level from the first query into a third query and a calculation based on the 'year' level from the second query.
I then create a list report containing the two year fields. I get the following error mesage:
OP-ERR-0169 The source type 'joinOperation' against OLAP is not supported in 'Query 1'
Any comment would be greatly appreciated.
Joins are not supported for any queries based on an OLAP source (ie a cube). They will work if you have a relational package or a DMR package which both have queries which generate SQL, but a cube package has queries which generate MDX, and joins are not supported.
The only options you have for "joining" queries from OLAP sources are
a) set up a master/detail relationship between the queries, or
b) union the queries together.
Best regards,
Thanks for that.
Happy Xmas