I need to upgrade IBM COGNOS Business Intelligence 10.2.2 to COGNOS Analytics 11. Below are the environment details:
Windows 2012 R2
DB2 10.5 Fix Pack 5
IBM HTTP Server 8.5.5 Fix Pack 11
IBM COGNOS Business Intelligence 10.2.2
IBM COGNOS Framework Manager 10.2.2
Is there a way that I can upgrade from 10.2.2 to COGNOS 11 without loosing any schedule and Reports ?
Quote from: awais on 10 Dec 2017 05:16:55 AM
I need to upgrade IBM COGNOS Business Intelligence 10.2.2 to COGNOS Analytics 11. Below are the environment details:
Windows 2012 R2
DB2 10.5 Fix Pack 5
IBM HTTP Server 8.5.5 Fix Pack 11
IBM COGNOS Business Intelligence 10.2.2
IBM COGNOS Framework Manager 10.2.2
Is there a way that I can upgrade from 10.2.2 to COGNOS 11 without loosing any schedule and Reports ?
Provided you use the same authentication provider configured in the same way, you shouldn't lose any of your schedules when moving your content over to Cognos Analytics. Just take a full content store deployment in 10.2.2 and import this in your new CA environment. All your reports should be there and should run exactly as they do in C10, along with schedules, jobs, security etc.
You can use Lifecycle Manager to compare the reports between both instances too. https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEP7J_11.0.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ug_upgr_mngr.doc/c_um_upgr_procss.html