Hi folks,
We are in the middle of converting our Cognos 10 Framework to use DQM using FM 11 and publish to the Report Studio in Analytics 10.0.7.
Many of my reports are getting the below errors and I was curious if you had any recommendations.
XQE-PLN-0248 The column 'STATE_CD' of 'XXXXX_FACT3' could not be found in the model. Possibly caused by out-of-date query subject definition: 'XXXXX_FACT3'
RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back:
RSV-VAL-0010 Failed to load the report specification. XQE-PLN-0203 with respect to the query subject "query subject name" the combination of a) The effective SQL generation beiing "As View" and b) the Query Subject using the multiple facts, is not supported.
This migration is going to destroy my little time that I have...
Please help!!
Thanks in advance for your time.
Quote from: gosoccer on 28 Nov 2017 09:49:10 AM
Hi folks,
We are in the middle of converting our Cognos 10 Framework to use DQM using FM 11 and publish to the Report Studio in Analytics 10.0.7.
Many of my reports are getting the below errors and I was curious if you had any recommendations.
XQE-PLN-0248 The column 'STATE_CD' of 'XXXXX_FACT3' could not be found in the model. Possibly caused by out-of-date query subject definition: 'XXXXX_FACT3'
RSV-SRV-0042 Trace back:
RSV-VAL-0010 Failed to load the report specification. XQE-PLN-0203 with respect to the query subject "query subject name" the combination of a) The effective SQL generation beiing "As View" and b) the Query Subject using the multiple facts, is not supported.
This migration is going to destroy my little time that I have...
Please help!!
Thanks in advance for your time.
The first error makes me think you have omitted a query item from your package that another query item depends upon. What happens if you include the XXXXX_FACT3 query subject in your package and set it to be hidden? Does this fix the issue?
The second error sounds like you're doing some funky stuff in your model. CQE will let you get away with things that are not strictly legal, whereas the checking in DQM is mush more rigorous. Why do you have a query subject that includes items from multiple fact query subjects? Why have you set the SQL generation to "As View" rather than "Minimized"?
Thanks for your explanations. yes, I'm finding issues with the Model as I have adopted. The Relationships needs to be changed based on Aliases since the FM Model Subject Query is getting very confused.
As for the minimized, it is set to "minimized" when under the Options for Generate SQL in the FM Model.
Quote from: gosoccer on 30 Nov 2017 10:39:43 AM
As for the minimized, it is set to "minimized" when under the Options for Generate SQL in the FM Model.
The only other thing I can think of that would cause "as view" behaviour is if it is a model query subject which has one or more relationships directly defined.