Happy Thanksgiving to you from the USA.
Long 4 days off ahead.
Running Reports as HTML can use "Size & overflow" to set pixel width
to pretty well control ColumnWidth. However, setting a pixel width less
than the text in the column forces the rest of the data in the column to
increase row height. Is there a way to truncate a HTML Report column
width so the row height stays the same in this scenario?
Running Reports as Excel doesn't allow for good ColumnWidth control. I
there a way to set ColumnWidth and even truncate the value in a Column?
As I recall, using a Function like "Left" is not native when the DB is SQL Server.
Perhaps there is a way to "Left x number of characters" and let Cognos-to-Excel
inner workings result in narrower Columns?
TIA, Bob
From a Google Search, and testing this morning ...
To "truncate" the text in a Report Column ...
1 - Select the Column
2 - Unlock it
3 - Select the Text Item in the Column
4 - Under General, Set "Maximum characters"
5 - Lock the Column
... that is at least one Solution.