Do anyone have the code to capture the Date Prompt Parameter value to an integer in TextBox Prompt. Please provide.
I found this code in Google but not sure how to use this.
The Reason I am using JavaScript is we have a Database "Denodo" that is not having to_Date and to_char functions same like we use in Oracle / some other Databases. Also I am connecting Denodo using Postgress Driver which all functions are not working through Cognos.
var form = getFormWarpRequest();
var textB = form._textEditBoxMyStartDate;
var temp = form.txtDatemystartdate;
var myDate = new Date(temp.value);
var myDay = myDate.getDate();
var myMonth = myDate.getMonth() + 1;
if (myMonth < 10 )
myMonth = "0"+myMonth;
if(myDay < 10)
myDay = "0" + myDay;
var myDateInt = myDate.getFullYear() + myMonth +myDay;
textB.value =myDateInt ;
I hate it when people do this to me, but...
Why? What is the end game? How about using the date and having a Cognos macro perform the manipulation?
Thanks for your response.
1) Initially the Date Key is in Date Format (YYYYMMDD)
2) Now the Database team have converted it to String (2017-01-01) in the Fact Table.
Based on the Date Prompt Selection the Fact Table Records have to be filtered. Can you please suggest me how to implement using macro.
I think the initial value is ideal. With that you could very easily filter on ranges. Strings don't give you that ability.
Macro functions do give you the ability to convert a date to a number like that.
Easiest way:
This would convert a date like 2017-11-20 to 20171120. It adds the time to the date to make it a valid date, and uses the timestampMask to make the conversion. The SQ function simply wraps the value in single quotes. 20171120 to '20171120'.
Another way might be something like:
This takes the date 2017-11-20, converts it into an array splitting on the dash, [2017,11,20] and joins it with no delimiter, 20171120.
Wow, Paul! Quick response. Maybe we both need more work to do this morning. :P
I agree. I prefer the int version (YYYYMMDD), but we don't know why the database team changed it to a string. If it can't be changed back to an int...
...will turn a date like 2017-11-20 into a string like '2017-11-20'.
And, technically, Paul's code also returns a string like '20171120'. To return an int, leave out the sq() function:
Although most RDBMSs will implicitly case the string to an int.
Thank a lot both. its working as expected.
Many Thanks!