Hi all,
Has anyone had issues with the Cognos Report date functions? It looks like they've changed the behaviour of these and I can't get any of them to work.
date2string, string2date, current_date has been renamed to AsOfDate(). I wish they'd document this stuff. I guess that's too much to ask.
I noticed too that the cast function is gone from this release.
current_date is still there, and as always, is only available in data item (query) expressions.
AsOfDate() is available in report expressions only.
date2string() is only a report expression function and is working fine in 11.0.8.
string2date() is only a report expression function and is working fine in 11.0.8.
Thanks! I haven't been doing much FM modelling/report writing lately and forgot which functions work in query subjects vs. report.
We ran into a problem in a report existing report where the report expression was:
we had to modify it to:
From what we are seeing the string2timestamp is now not accepting the ParamValue because it's actually a date. It appears the function is now strongly typed so it must be a string for the string2timestamp to work. It would be nice if _last_of_month didn't expect a timestamp and could use a date instead.