Using Cognos Analytics 11.0.4 or 11.0.7...
Maybe this problem will go away once I upgrade to 11.0.7 and finally having the ability to use shortcuts again...
For now, users are resorting to using saved searches.
But, the search feature sucks. If I search for
data validation I get everything containing the word
data or the word
validation or the word
validate or [a lot of unrelated nonsense] in the object name or description. If I search for
"data validation", I get nothing -- not even the report named
Data Validation. The search also ignores special characters, so searching for
scheduled returns exactly the same as searching for
So they are resorting to putting odd search terms in object descriptions.
On to the new problem: Once you have 10 saved searches and try to save one more, Cognos says
QuoteYou can save 10 searches. Delete one to save another.
Is there a configuration setting that will allow me to provide more saved search slots for my users?