- The IBM Cognos Community

IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Upgrading to Cognos Analytics => Topic started by: raj_aries81 on 12 Nov 2017 11:22:41 PM

Title: CA Standalone Installation
Post by: raj_aries81 on 12 Nov 2017 11:22:41 PM
We would like to install CA on a standalone machine first for exploring the new features before we do an upgrade.

As there wont be intensive querying or any major user activity, pls let me know if I can install CA on a 2/4 core windows server with 8 GB RAM.

Any inputs are highly appreciated

Title: Re: CA Standalone Installation
Post by: MFGF on 13 Nov 2017 03:42:36 AM
Quote from: raj_aries81 on 12 Nov 2017 11:22:41 PM
We would like to install CA on a standalone machine first for exploring the new features before we do an upgrade.

As there wont be intensive querying or any major user activity, pls let me know if I can install CA on a 2/4 core windows server with 8 GB RAM.

Any inputs are highly appreciated



It depends on the CPU as to how powerful 2 cores will be. I understand IBM take the de-facto standard for estimates as the E5-2637v4 CPU. If your CPU is of similar power, 2 cores should be ok I guess. I'd be concerned about the memory, though. 8Gb probably isn't enough. Can you stretch to 16?

Title: Re: CA Standalone Installation
Post by: raj_aries81 on 13 Nov 2017 04:31:51 AM
Quote from: MFGF on 13 Nov 2017 03:42:36 AM

It depends on the CPU as to how powerful 2 cores will be. I understand IBM take the de-facto standard for estimates as the E5-2637v4 CPU. If your CPU is of similar power, 2 cores should be ok I guess. I'd be concerned about the memory, though. 8Gb probably isn't enough. Can you stretch to 16?


Thanks for your reply Master  :)

sure, I will check if I can get a 16 GB memory. :-\

Thank you
Title: Re: CA Standalone Installation
Post by: raj_aries81 on 21 Jan 2018 07:50:31 PM
I'm underway of installing CA on a standalone machine with the below config

8 Gigs of RAM on Windows Server 2012 R2
Content Store: SQL Server 2017
Webserver: IIS 8.5

I cannot access the Cognos home page using the URL http://<server name>/ibmcognos as it fails with HTTP 403 error. However I can open the webpage using http://<server name>:9300/bi

Am I missing any IIS configuration steps or does it require URL rewrite.

Any inputs are highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Title: Re: CA Standalone Installation
Post by: raj_aries81 on 22 Jan 2018 06:33:25 PM
I have downloaded the ARR (Application Request Routing) extension for IIS that enables the URL Rewrite functionality and applied the settings as per link below

I'm able to access cognos using http://<server name>/ibmcognos now.

Thanks everyone.

Title: Re: CA Standalone Installation
Post by: MFGF on 23 Jan 2018 03:58:41 AM
Quote from: raj_aries81 on 22 Jan 2018 06:33:25 PM
I have downloaded the ARR (Application Request Routing) extension for IIS that enables the URL Rewrite functionality and applied the settings as per link below

I'm able to access cognos using http://<server name>/ibmcognos now.

Thanks everyone.


Glad you figured it out. I'd be concerned at having only 8Gb memory though. As soon as you start using the query service for anything non-trivial, you will probably find you need to increase its memory pool, and then you'll be into paging on your server...

Good luck!

Title: Re: CA Standalone Installation
Post by: raj_aries81 on 24 Jan 2018 12:26:30 AM
Thanks MF, I will try to persuade infra team for a machine with atleast 16 Gigs of RAM.

I've restored the Cognos 10 SQL Server Content Store database and hooking it to Cognos Analytics environment with Windows Authentication by copying sqljdbc_auth.dll to bin64 folder and sqljdbc42.jar to drivers folders. I presume we dont have to add this to file.

I cld sucessfully test the content store database and was able to restart the Cognos services after Cognos restart timed out couple of times while upgrading the content store tables.
I'm not sure if this can be attributed to 8 GB of RAM.
