Last question of the week -- I want to execute some looping similar to the following PSUEDO -CODE:
If this possible: (sort of Backwards Cascade of Security)
vGroupsDim = '}Groups';
vDimCountGrp = DIMSIZ(vGroupsDim);
vIndexGrp = 1;
WHILE (vIndexGrp <= vDimCountGrp);
vTestGroup = DIMNM(vGroupsDim, vIndexGrp );
vDimCount = DIMSIZ(vDim);
vIndex = 1;
WHILE (vIndex <= vDimCount);
vTestElement = DIMNM( vDim, vIndex );
if ((vTestGroup @= 'ABC') >> and Element is a PARENT
and this group has any access NOT NONE to ONE or More Child Elements << );
2> The other part of this not shown above - is I really want the " if ((vTestGroup @= 'ABC') " to test on a Value of an ATTRIBUTE of the }Groups dimension.
Any help on how to do item 2 even if Item 1 is not possible is greatly apprectiated.
Part 1
So to finds out if an element is a parent or not, use the DTYPE () function, as shown below. The "&" is the TM1 "AND" equivalent. Not sure what you were asking for in the second red line
IF (
(vTestGroup @= 'ABC ) &
( DYTPE ( vDim, vTestElement ) @= 'C' ) &
not sure what you're asking for in the next line..........
Part 2
Replace the 'ABC' with an AttrGetS() function, so
sGroupAttribute = AttrGetS( '}Groups', vTestGroup, 'YourAttrribute' ) ;
IF (
( vTestGroup = sGroupAttribute ) etc
Thank you again AJAYC !
What I am trying to get for the line highlighted in RED in the original post is related to the Entire Loop of logic --
This is the non-code explanation of what I am trying to accomplish: I need to dynamically determine if the Current }Group needs Element security to the current Parent level -- based on whether the that group already has Element Security to ANY ONE OR MORE of the Child Elements.
For instance - - a group may have Element Security READ to New York City, Hartford, and Boston.
We have created an Alternate hierarchy called "NorthEast Large"
I want to run a process that will loop through all my GROUPS, If a GROUP has READ access to ONE OR MORE of these children, than I want to set the Element security to READ for the parent "NorthEast Large".
For EVERY Group (the Current Group I am looking at is: vTestGroup @= 'ABC') I want to loop through the entire
GEOGRAPHY dimension
If the Element I am looking at is a PARENT level element (Country, State, or top level of Alternate Hierarchy - ( DYTPE ( vDim, vTestElement ) @= 'C' ) ), then I want to loop through ALL of the CHILDREN elements of THIS parent.
If the Current GROUP I am has any access Other than *NONE* to any ONE or more of the CHildren, then I need to assign Element Security of READ to this parent.
SO the part in RED is the question -- How to do identify all corresponding Child elements in order to Loop through them ?
Thank you
OK, so using the "ELCOMPN(YourDimension, YourElement)" function, you will be able to establish how many children sit within each parent.
This gives you a maximum loop counter for the loop when testing if any of the child elements have security or not.
You'll want to grab all the parents in a subset, and then for each one do the above, setting the security as soon as you find the first child that has the security you are wanting.
Thank you AJAYC for all your help and responses.
I have enough info now to keep me busy for awhile.
AS I mentioned before - I have over 15 years with Cognos BI and ETL tools - only 3 months with TM1 and the contractor who was the expert and training me left last month !
I appreciate the help.
When I try to Google TM1 things, it doesn't always find useful links -- or links me back to IBM documentation which I have, but isn't always the most complete, or have examples.
Thank you,