Would like to automate moving reports from test cognos to production cognos.
Process would be user puts report into a folder in test, this then triggers system to pick up report and move it to same folder in production cognos.
Any help with ideas or script for this would be greatly appreciated.
This message is in the wrong place. Framework Manager would have nothing to do with this process.
The trigger would be contacting the Cognos Administrator.
The action would be a deployment export in one environment and a deployment import in another.
Quote from: dougp on 09 Nov 2017 10:27:06 AM
This message is in the wrong place. Framework Manager would have nothing to do with this process.
The trigger would be contacting the Cognos Administrator.
The action would be a deployment export in one environment and a deployment import in another.
This is the issue the administrators don't know, not sure where to move this to?
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Did you just say your Cognos Administrator doesn't know how to run a deployment export and import?
they don't know how to automate it.... yeah our administrators are not the best they don't even know what an ERD is. This is a 3rd party company we are working with.
I can automate using VBA moving from folders when user inputs pdfs to another folder, but I don't know the sql script for this.
If you don't need the checks and balances inherent in the manual process, it can be automated using the Cognos SDK.
Quote from: dougp on 14 Nov 2017 10:00:27 AM
If you don't need the checks and balances inherent in the manual process, it can be automated using the Cognos SDK.
Many thanks will check on this
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Use Jenkins. Its a nice tool.
Its free and a lot of big companies (banks and large orgs use it)... There is some Java/SDK configuring that needs doing so Jenkins can pick up the zip and move it to the other environement .... But basically you create a deployment ZIP and copy it to the Jenkins location in a folder like 1.0.0 , 1.0.1 this can then be run by an admin person by entering the parameter (e.g 1.0.0).. You can then create release documentation etc.
Proper release management.
Motio CI can also do it but that you have to pay for..
We do something similar with our Cognos SDK. Our CM Team doesn't like us using deployment archives and wanted us to keep all reports as separate xmls so it's easier to track changes.
We put all report xmls in a directory, we have .cfg files that are with the reports to push properties to reports that aren't held in the xml. Our Cognos Tech team controls when we deploy, usually on a schedule. But it's all possible with SDK.
You need metaManager from BSPSoftware..
I was a Cognos Administrator for Merrill Lynch and Bank of America based in London, we had production deployment windows on Mon-Wed-Fri at close of business in NY, so early morning for me in London.
With the use of metamanager and windows scheduling, I could automate the whole process.
Create an archive deployment and UAT and import into prod at 3am. The beauty with metamanager was that it could be done at a single object level, so if 5 reports from different folders needed moving, it wasn't a probem.
Metamanager can do way more, it's honestly the best tool, I've been working with Cognos for 20+ years and been with the current system since Beta of ReportNet. Metamanaer made my life so much easier.
Jenkins is Free and I also work in bank and they use Jenkins for any version control.. Is fine and works, DB changes, Cognos, +NET, VB, etc.etc..
Metamanager is £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££
Get a POC going and compare all the products available.. All depends how much money you got to spend
So how do you set up Jenkins to work with Cognos ? is there a plugin ?