Hello All,
I have a requirement to extract and consolidated all the saved versions of the cognos report outputs for a certain time period.
Is there a easy way where I could get the save report outputs from the content store database, rather going to each of those reports and downloading the output which kinda sounds a tedious task to me :)
Thanks & Regards
The only thing I can think of is sdk.
But for the future you may want to look at advanced parameter cm.outputlocation.
Quote from: misscognos on 09 Nov 2017 11:33:05 AM
The only thing I can think of is sdk.
But for the future you may want to look at advanced parameter cm.outputlocation.
Thanks misscognos, I've no experience in using SDK. Yeah, but as you mentioned might have to setup something keeping such requirements in mind
Thanks & Regards
Check out BSP Metamanager and Motio PI to acheive your requirement. Any of this 2 can make your life lot easier in administering cognos.
Good luck
New guy