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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Dynamic Cubes => Topic started by: yogeswari on 06 Nov 2017 09:19:23 AM

Title: can we different cubes for different context in single model
Post by: yogeswari on 06 Nov 2017 09:19:23 AM

I need to POC (create dashboard) on Dynamic Cubes.  I am very new to this topic.  I had not worked in cubes so far.  This is first time.
I had explored the basics and started doing.  While doing I had doubts like:  I am using GOSALESDW package.

1)There are many dimensions and fact tables in the package.  There are many context.  For example
a)Employee Position Fact,
b)Employee Expense Fact,
c)Employee Recuritment Fact

Now I had created for  4 dimensions eg(Employee, Employee Position, Employee Expense, Employee Recuritment)
Now I need to join these 4 dimensions to 1 fact.

Eg: Suppose
For these, Employee_Key, Employee_Position_Key, Employee_Expense_Key are taken from Employee Position Fact
Employee_Recruitment_Key taken from Employee Recuritment Fact

Then is these 2 facts come into and is it correct way of doing?  I don't have much experience in modeling too.

2nd question is:
can we create more than one cube for each context in 1 model?
eg: one cube (Employee, Employee Position, Employee Expense) -->provided using same fact table
      second cube (Employee Recuritment, Employee Ranking, Employee termination) -->provided using same fact table

Is it right approach? If so, how to combine all the cubes in a single dashboard?

Please provide your suggestions and best way to do cubes in cube designer.

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: can we different cubes for different context in single model
Post by: bus_pass_man on 06 Nov 2017 03:58:59 PM
Each cube is based on one fact table.   You can create cubes which use multi-facts via virtual cubes.

"If you want to allow the package users to query against multiple cubes, use virtual cubes.

"With virtual cubes, you can build a cube that shares dimensions between cubes and build
reports that use facts from multiple cubes. An example is to have a virtual cube that includes
a cube with actual values and a cube with target or budget values."

Down load the redbook (it's free!!) and have fun.