I need to POC (create dashboard) on Dynamic Cubes. I am very new to this topic. I had not worked in cubes so far. This is first time.
I had explored the basics and started doing. While doing I had doubts like: I am using GOSALESDW package.
1)There are many dimensions and fact tables in the package. There are many context. For example
a)Employee Position Fact,
b)Employee Expense Fact,
c)Employee Recuritment Fact
Now I had created for 4 dimensions eg(Employee, Employee Position, Employee Expense, Employee Recuritment)
Now I need to join these 4 dimensions to 1 fact.
Eg: Suppose
For these, Employee_Key, Employee_Position_Key, Employee_Expense_Key are taken from Employee Position Fact
Employee_Recruitment_Key taken from Employee Recuritment Fact
Then is these 2 facts come into and is it correct way of doing? I don't have much experience in modeling too.
2nd question is:
can we create more than one cube for each context in 1 model?
eg: one cube (Employee, Employee Position, Employee Expense) -->provided using same fact table
second cube (Employee Recuritment, Employee Ranking, Employee termination) -->provided using same fact table
Is it right approach? If so, how to combine all the cubes in a single dashboard?
Please provide your suggestions and best way to do cubes in cube designer.
Thanks in advance.
Each cube is based on one fact table. You can create cubes which use multi-facts via virtual cubes.
"If you want to allow the package users to query against multiple cubes, use virtual cubes.
"With virtual cubes, you can build a cube that shares dimensions between cubes and build
reports that use facts from multiple cubes. An example is to have a virtual cube that includes
a cube with actual values and a cube with target or budget values."
Down load the redbook (it's free!!) and have fun.