I have a crosstab report that displays performance measures by fiscal year. The y-axis displays the measure name and the x-axis lists the months of the selected fiscal year. I need to add a calculated column that displays the last performance measure of the fiscal year for each measure. For example if a certain measure name only has performance measures up to March, then I want to show the value for March in my calculated column. Below is a diagram of how my crosstab looks. As you can see, the YTD column shows the last value for each Measure Name. Performance measures may be missing for certain months, but the YTD should be the last value. How can I do this?
Measure Name | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | YTD |
Performance | 75% | | 75% | | 78% | 85% | 65% | 75% | 81% | 83% | | | 83% |
Call Rating | 85% | 84% | | 86% | 88% | 85% | 85% | | | | | | 85% |
too complicated to explain (in my very bad english), just see attached file.
I used 'GO Sales and Retailers' and cognos 8 and works fine.
I have a question for you since you seem to have the same type of report as I need.
I am developing a Crosstab report where the row contains the Year from the Date Prompt - whichever year that the user selects. It also contains the Year minus 1. Basically it is Current Year and Previous Year. The measures for this Crosstabl contain the Revenue and Original Cost for the Year and Previous Year. What I am having trouble doing is display the Month-End data for the Year Selected.
For Example, I need to display the following - monthly data should be month-end and assume date selected is 10-31-2007
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct
Year 2007 100 200 300 400 5000 6000 700 800 900 10000
Year 2006 400 500 300 200 6000 9000 500 700 1000 10000
How can I get the Month Name as displayed above - which should show from the beginning of the year to date selected?
Now the Time Dimension that we are using is:
Any help that you can provide would be appreciated.
Sorry zaith, as i can see your xls file as report?
Are you reporting off of a cube? or relational?
(if cube, DMR?, PowerPlay?, other?)