I'm trying to create the regular report to see which reports failed. The idea is to have the same view as in Admin/Status/Past Activities regularly received via email to avoid manual daily checks.
Steps done so far:
1. Creation of audit DB.
2. Creation of report based on COGIPF_RUNREPORT and COGIPF_AGENTRUN tables.
All looked great until I've noticed today that one user did not renew credentials and his reports failed. Though my report shown no reports with errors. I've noticed that this reports were not logged in COGIPF_RUNREPORT table. My guess is that it's because the system could not start the report as could not log in with this user so didn't go as far as to RUNREPORT.
I've tried different logging levels for different services and managed to receive the info that someone could not loggin. But there was no information who and because of which schedule. So this was not really helpful.
Yet when I check manualy Admin/Status/Past Activities view I can see that it's possible to get the information in the desired format. But I have no idea how. Have tried to do it straight from CS tables, but no luck.
Any ideas?