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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: sanchoniathon on 17 Dec 2007 10:48:41 AM

Title: Page setup not kept from Report Studio to the Printer (pdf format)
Post by: sanchoniathon on 17 Dec 2007 10:48:41 AM
I am setting the report studio report orientation in the PAGE SETUP to Landscape and the SIZE to 11X17.
I save my report and then execute it. When i print it in PDF format, the only thing that was respected was the landscape orientation but printed on a 8X11 Size paper.
I re-ran my report studio 8 report and then before clicking OK to print it in pdf format, i clicked on the properties of my printer and had to manualy select the PAPER SIZE as well as the LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION.

I have been told to click on the PDF print button and to check the "Choose Paper Source PDF page size" but when i print it it doesn't seems to work. I still need to click on the PROPERTIES button and select good paper size as well as good layout.

Am i missing something here ? I am using Report Studio 8.2

Thanks poeple !

Title: Re: Page setup not kept from Report Studio to the Printer (pdf format)
Post by: sanchoniathon on 18 Dec 2007 01:58:18 PM
Hi everyone,

After contacting Cognos, they told me that it was a bug from Adobe and they gave me this article:
Tray not automatically selected when printing (Acrobat 7, Acrobat 3D, Acrobat Reader 7 on Windows):

Althougt, my PDF version is 8 i PRESUME the problem is in both versions 7 and 8.

If someone else has tried something else and worked, please let me know.

Thanks anyhow !
