We are converting model to DQM from CQM and noticing this error on testing queries across the board for one package. The queries all error with the following:
XQE-MD-0007 Unable to establish a metadata connection to data source ~~/package[@name='frameworkManagerWorkingArea']/model[@name='201710251112246124']:
XQE-PVD-0002 The provider type "relational (IF)" is not supported in Dynamic Query Mode.
Data source is Informix database. 11.x I believe. Using Informix Client SDK v3.50.
Some queries use conditional statements (If..Then..Else) but not all. And still all queries error with this message, even ones that don't use an If expression.
These same queries all work in CQM query mode. Haven't found much by way of Google on these error codes.
Has anyone seen this or can point me in the right direction?
Quote from: jriley on 25 Oct 2017 11:00:28 AM
We are converting model to DQM from CQM and noticing this error on testing queries across the board for one package. The queries all error with the following:
XQE-MD-0007 Unable to establish a metadata connection to data source ~~/package[@name='frameworkManagerWorkingArea']/model[@name='201710251112246124']:
XQE-PVD-0002 The provider type "relational (IF)" is not supported in Dynamic Query Mode.
Data source is Informix database. 11.x I believe. Using Informix Client SDK v3.50.
Some queries use conditional statements (If..Then..Else) but not all. And still all queries error with this message, even ones that don't use an If expression.
These same queries all work in CQM query mode. Haven't found much by way of Google on these error codes.
Has anyone seen this or can point me in the right direction?
If you look at the properties of the data source in FM, and expand the Type property, the error message tells me you will find the Interface property is set to be IF. This type is appropriate if you are using the old "IBM Informix Dynamic Server" connection type for your data source (in the Admin console), but this is a compatible (CQE) connection, and will not work in DQM. To connect to Informix in DQM, you need to have a data source with a type of JDBC in the Admin console, then on the next page you need to have selected the IBM Informix Dynamic Server sub-type to configure the JDBC connection.
What all this means is that back in FM, the Interface property should be set to JDBC rather than IF (because you're using a JDBC connection rather than the old native connection).
If you change the property value and test again, does this fix the problem?
Thank you MFGF for the suggestion. I will test this out and post the results.
(1) Your Informix connections must be defined under the JDBC connection editor in Admin Portal
(2) You must a copy of the Informix JDBC driver in the <cognos>\drivers folder if you are using Cognos 11 (older releases would use <cognos>\webapps\p2pd\web-inf\lib
(3) The data source objects in you FM models must have the interface.type property set to JDBC
(4) Change the model setting to DQM
(5) Update your db-query subjects etc
Note: Informix made a substantial number of changes including SQL semantic changes that are available to you when you move to Informix 12.10.
Those changes can dramatically improve BI/reporting workloads from what was possible with older 11.x releases.
Note: Pre-11.7 IDS releases are not supported with DQM should you happen to be on 11.5.
We are having a similar issue:
Unable to establish a metadata connection to data source /content/folder[@name='CX Reporting']/folder[@name='Dynamic']/package[@name='Registrar']/model[@name='model']:
XQE-PVD-0002 The provider type "relational (IF)" is not supported in Dynamic Query Mode.
HOWEVER: In Framework Manager the Data Source property under Type > Interface is already JDBC, not IF.
The odd thing is, some of our users get a dialog asking to select Dynamic Mode vs Compatible Mode -- others only get this error message. (Those who do get the choice to select which mode to use, when they select Dynamic, all is well for them.) I've attached a tiny screen shot showing the "select a connection" screen.
So some users get a choice, others get an error. I suspect there's a setting in the admin/config area that needs tweaking, but don't know which.
A whap with the clue stick would be greatly appreciated.