Greeting Everyone,
I am looking for steps required to install and deploy cognos BI 10.2.1 on Websphere cluster. I have three Window VM
I want to install cognos BI component on 2 VMs and one VM for content store db.
1. confuse which components(IBM Cognos Dispatcher,IBM Content Manager,IBM Congos Servelet Gateway) should be install on each of two VM
2. Confuse about configration of IBM Congos Servelet Gateway on IHS( IBM HTTP Server) instead of using IIS webserver. How to build Servelet ear/war file. servelet will automatically deployed on server with cognos ear or seprate deployment required.
Please advice me if any one has already done or idea of setup
Quote from: kalam on 13 Oct 2017 02:50:56 AM
Greeting Everyone,
I am looking for steps required to install and deploy cognos BI 10.2.1 on Websphere cluster. I have three Window VM
I want to install cognos BI component on 2 VMs and one VM for content store db.
1. confuse which components(IBM Cognos Dispatcher,IBM Content Manager,IBM Congos Servelet Gateway) should be install on each of two VM
2. Confuse about configration of IBM Congos Servelet Gateway on IHS( IBM HTTP Server) instead of using IIS webserver. How to build Servelet ear/war file. servelet will automatically deployed on server with cognos ear or seprate deployment required.
Please advice me if any one has already done or idea of setup
1. It's up to you. There are three parts to the Cognos architecture - the gateway (which needs to be installed on the same server as the web server), the application tier (the part that runs reports) and the content manager (the part that controls security and reading from / writing to the content store database). When you say "" want to install Cognos BI component on 2 VMs", which part or parts of those three (above) do you want on each machine? You can decide. If you install the application tier on more than one server, they load balance automatically and fail over between each other. If you install the content manager on more than one server, one is the Live content manager and the other is the standby - which takes over automatically if the Live CM dies. If you install the gateway on more than one server, that implies you have multiple web servers with multiple URLs - is this what you require? The deployment options are described here:
2a. To configure the Cognos gateway with IHS, follow the steps for configuring Apache-Mod, as IHS is based on the Apache web server:
2b. To configure Cognos to run within WAS, see the docs here:
Thanks MFGF for your prompt advice.
I am looking for setup exactly like mention in below technote. The only difference i want to use websphere nd and ibm http server
I am looking for application tier fail over i.e multiple dispatcher. so more reporting service will be available to handle user request. I need one cognos URL since we do not NLB for load balancing. so i believe dispatcher will distribute user request to multiple report services. I will be having one only content Store db. If CM high availability required then i will install content manager on other machine also.
I am thinking of below configuration /setup.
1. Install the all cognos components(gateway, application tier and Content Manager) on one windows machine VM1.
2. Install IBM WebSphere on both VMs to create federated web sphere cluster i.e. 2 JVMs on each VM. Create p2pd.ear on VM1 that has cognos Installation and deployed the on WebSphere cluster. I am confuse how to setup PATH for cognos BIN for JVM instance on VM2 that do not have cognos installation. Do i need to install application tier on both VMs just for PATH setup?
3. IHS will be install on one VM1 with necessary configuration as per your previous advice (
4. I am confuse about servlet gateway option on "build application wizard" during application build proces through cognos configration. do i need to deployed servlet gateway if i am doing ihs configuration in step 3?
5. If servlet gateway deployement required. do i have create separate JVM instance/JVM cluster or can we deployed on existing cognos cluster that i have created in step 2?
I have already done cognos setup BI on tomcat and running for Production from last 2 years without issue. but as part upgrade we have to go on web sphere.
Please advice me. i believe this setup that most of people are discussing are frequently on internet in multiple cognos forum. If anyone has any of configuration document from their experience. Kindly share with me. Thanks in advance
Thanks and Regards,
2. Yes, you need to install cognos appserver tier on VM2 also.
4. No, if you use a webserver, there is no need for the servlet gateway.
5. You are free to choose to include it, or run it on it´s own JVM.
Some thoughts to keep in mind during this deployment:
10.2.x is out of support as from April 2018.
In 10.2.2 the tomcat was replaced with Websphere Liberty.
In Cognos Analytics, the deployment to a different Java server option is gone.
My 2 cents; you are spending a lot of time and money on something with a very short lifespan, and no technical future.
I would suggest you re-evaluate the architectural choices.