Is visible param in system.xml working for anyone in CA 11.0.7.
<!-- CM filter added to content requests to only return objects "visible" to the current user -->
We removed Traverse permission from this filter so folders with just this permission will be invisible to the users but they still will be able to run the reports(R,E & T) that reside in the folder via a shortcut in another folder that's open to everyone. This works fine in 10.2 but not anymore in 11.0.7
All the invisible folders are now visible to the end users.
Can someone please advise how to achieve the same functionality?
May or may not be related, but I'm seeing quirky stuff with hidden objects in data modules in R7. In a report, the hidden object is invisible, but in a dashboard/story, it's still visible and can be used.
I wonder if there's a generic problem with hidden content in R7? I'd suggest your issue is worth raising with IBM support to see what they say?
Thanks for your reply, MF.
Created a support ticket a week ago but still no reply from IBM.
IBM just replied.
Looks like this is not a supported customization in 11. This has been logged as RFE.