Hi all,
Maybe I'm overlooking something but up to R6 it was possible to create a datasource with a single connection in which I could setup
a native connection using the SQL Server (native Client) for CQM AND a JDBC connection for DQM.
When I now (using R7) edit a connection I no longer have a tabpage for Native and a tabpage for JDBC.
Is it me doing something wrong or has this changed and is it no longer possible to setup a datasource connection for CQM and DQM.
Btw: My JDBC and Native connection to SQL Server are functioning correctly.
Hi RA,
Perhaps you are overlooking something, because I see still the same options when creating a datasource.
I have one DataSource with three data conncetion configured:
1 GOSALES (CQM) -> Native
3 GOSALES (MDC) -> The good old PowerCube
Or are you looking for something else?
Quote from: ReportNet Addict on 26 Sep 2017 03:51:33 PM
Hi all,
Maybe I'm overlooking something but up to R6 it was possible to create a datasource with a single connection in which I could setup
a native connection using the SQL Server (native Client) for CQM AND a JDBC connection for DQM.
When I now (using R7) edit a connection I no longer have a tabpage for Native and a tabpage for JDBC.
Is it me doing something wrong or has this changed and is it no longer possible to setup a datasource connection for CQM and DQM.
Btw: My JDBC and Native connection to SQL Server are functioning correctly.
Hi J,
I'm seeing both tabs for my SQL Server connections in R7. When I set up a new connection and choose the "Microsoft SQL Server (Native Client)" type, I still see the checkbox that says "Configure JDBC connection" and if this is checked the dialog prompts for both native client and JDBC connections.
Looks the same to me?
What specific Type option are you selecting?
Hi MF,
I'm missing the tabs "Native" and "JDBC". That's the strange thing.
I talked to a co-worker and he sees the same as you.
Did you do a clean install or did you do an upgrade?
My co-worker did a upgrade from R6.
And furthermore I installed powerplay also... Did you install that too?
I'll post a screenshot asap.
Quote from: ReportNet Addict on 28 Sep 2017 07:27:41 AM
Hi MF,
I'm missing the tabs "Native" and "JDBC". That's the strange thing.
I talked to a co-worker and he sees the same as you.
Did you do a clean install or did you do an upgrade?
My co-worker did a upgrade from R6.
And furthermore I installed powerplay also... Did you install that too?
I'll post a screenshot asap.
Hi RA,
That's weird! I have both a newly installed and an upgraded instance of R7, and I see the same in both. Neither has PowerPlay installed, though.
Very odd!!
This is what I see... (And there are no scrollbars hidden or something like that)
Hi RA,
What Browser are you using?
IE doesn't work well.
Try FF / Chrome if you can and see what happen ..... :-)
Hi RA,
Did you done an upgrade or a reinstall ?
I had some trouble when I upgraded, so I did a uninstall / install (import full ContentStore).
That saved me a lot of time and trouble.
I didn't have the time to investigate, so I went for a uninstall/install scenario.
It was a clean install for me (got a new laptop... ;D)
But... I found the culprits......
It was a wrong port assignment in Powerplay Configuration...
I had all the ports in PPES configuration identical to CA Server.
I changed the
- External Dispatcher Uri
- Internal Dispatcher Uri's
- Dispatcher URI for external applications
to a different port
(thus: Gateway URI + Content Manager Uri's are the same for CA Server & PPES ) and did a restart and all Solved...
MFGF & bi4business: thanks for the help!
Quote from: ReportNet Addict on 28 Sep 2017 04:11:02 PM
It was a clean install for me (got a new laptop... ;D)
But... I found the culprits......
It was a wrong port assignment in Powerplay Configuration...
I had all the ports in PPES configuration identical to CA Server.
I changed the
- External Dispatcher Uri
- Internal Dispatcher Uri's
- Dispatcher URI for external applications
to a different port
(thus: Gateway URI + Content Manager Uri's are the same for CA Server & PPES ) and did a restart and all Solved...
MFGF & bi4business: thanks for the help!
Glad you figured it out! Good detective work there :)