Version: 11.0.4
Platform: Redhat
Tool: Reports
Problem: I gave up on trying to get a RAVE Heat Map functioning as needed and changed over to a crosstab. This provides the formatting desired but now the drill-through doesn't work, or more correctly, works intermittently when running in Full Interactive Mode. FIM must be used as otherwise the custom controls with JavaScript and JSON won't render properly. The drill-throughs work perfectly without FIM on.
Has any of you seen this issue? Have you solved it? If so, how please?
It's annoying that the user has to use the right-mouse button for DT in FIM. I think it would have been better to keep it as with non-FIM and use the right button for the new menu options (sort, etc.)
Hold everything, it's a browser issue!
I just tried using FireFox instead of I.E.11 and the DT works fine WITH THE LEFT button. So with I.E. I get the new FIM menu with the LEFT button but with Firefox I get drill-through with the LEFT button and the new menu with the RIGHT button.
Now I'm going to try Chrome.
I.E. 11 is the verified browser for 11.0.4 so I'm guessing this is a bug. I.E. 11 is also my client's standard browser.
Hit and miss in Chrome as well.
More info.
I access the report via I.E. 11 on the client's virtual desktop which I access via VPN.
In I.E. 11 have found that if I click on the cell in the crosstab in the calling report I usually see on only the FIM menu (sometimes it will drill through to the target report though). If I then click outside the crosstab then click the cell again, the drill-through always works.
So, in
I.E. 11 - intermittently works but work around always works (VDI or server)
Firefox - always works when run on server but behaves like I.E. in VDI
Chrome - doesn't work ever in either VDI or server
You might want to open a support ticket, just so (maybe) they will take a look and fix the inconsistencies/bugs.
Hi Blue,
You might also want to try this in CA R7? I know some defects are fixed - this might be one of them?
Yep, IBM confirmed it's an undocumented bug in release 4. Fixed in 5.