Have followed YouTube videos expecting it to work.
1 - In ChildReport. set Filter from the Query as [Location Code]=?GoLocCode?
2 - In ParentReport, set Report "Run with full interactivity" to No.
3 - In ParentReport, selected List Column of 'Location Code', clicked "More" Ellipsis to Drill-Through Definitions.
4 - Set a Definition, Set the Target Report as the ChildReport, Action = Run the report, Format = Default, set the Parmeter GoLocCode from the ChildReport, Method = Pass data item value, Value = Location Code, Property to pass = Default, Display prompt pages = Only when required parameter values are missing.
Running the ParentReport ERRORS, Details, as ...
Handler trace back:
[the_dispatcher] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.performance.PerformanceIndicationHandler
[the_dispatcher] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler
[service_lookup] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.engine.ServiceLookupHandler
[cmCacheChainHandler] com.cognos.pogo.handlers.logic.ChainHandler
[cmCacheServiceHandler] com.cognos.pogo.contentmanager.cache.CMCacheHandler
What am I doing incorrectly?
TIA, Bob
Why did you set "run with Interactive Mode" to no?
Is there any more error information? Have you looked at the Cognos log?
What version? Platform?
I had set the Report to "Run with full interactivity" to "No" ... because that is what is advised in the YouTube videos I viewed.
I just tried your recommendation to set "Run with full interactivity" to "Yes".
I did ... It WORKS !!! Don't know why, but the Drill-Through is most beneficial to us.
NOTE: For what it's worth ... the Query in the Parent Report is a Union Query from a Data Module utilizing 2 Excel files ..
1 - Originated from a Cognos Report
2 - Another Excel file independent from Cognos.
I found one prob with using Full Interactive Mode - all your linked reports must use the same mode. E.g. If you have report A in FIM and report B in standard mode, then drill-through from report B to report A, report A will run in standard mode!
I have two reports (used as dashboards) with custom controls and JavaScript. Only running in FIM will render the objects. If I use standard mode I see the JSON code instead.
Thank you for your original help, and this additional info.
We subscribe to an App. Had discussion today w/ their Top Techie. He and I agreed to keep using FIM unless we encounter a scenario where it fails.
Also, the App Company discourages JS saying future Cognos upgrades may cause prior JS code to fail. I am still likely to learn JS although it appears non-JS Reporting works fine.
What the App Company told you is true for Cognos BI 10.2.2 and early, or if you use embedded JS (HTML item) in CA11.
HTML items don't work at all if running a report in FIM.
CA11 introduces the Custom Control. Through this the report references an external JS file. This means the upgrade problem in earlier version has gone away. It also means you can tweak the JS file without having to edit the report. I also means you can reuse the same JS file in multiple places in a report or in multiple reports.
We needed to create a special chart that wasn't available either in the delivered CA11 or as a RAVE Visualization. We constructed a D3 chart and wrapped it in JS in a file then referenced it via a Custom Control. Works great!
The Learning never stops.
Thank you for this info, Bob