On the the Cognos Analytics 11.0.7 home page, there is a drop area "Drag and Drop your files or browse" ... is there are way to disable/remove this? Same with the "Add some data or try our samples to get started" link (when there is now Recents showing).
Thanks, Mark
Quote from: rockytopmark on 20 Sep 2017 03:54:56 PM
On the the Cognos Analytics 11.0.7 home page, there is a drop area "Drag and Drop your files or browse" ... is there are way to disable/remove this? Same with the "Add some data or try our samples to get started" link (when there is now Recents showing).
Thanks, Mark
I've been asked the same question. Haven't found an answer so far. Any pointers gratefully received. Thanks.
It is possible to set up your own home page, but then you lose the recent reports pane.
What you CAN do is to modify the file found here:
That controls the home page. It won't survive any upgrades or patches, but you can achieve your goal. Hopefully the next version will offer a finer grain of control over what appears.
Excellent. Thanks for the information.