I am facing issue with audit data base, we have a cognos job which will create more than 6000 reports through busting, ones the job complete we will get a mail with job details job start time and end time.we are getting this job details through audit data base.
if i run the job first time , i am getting the correct job details from audit data base,then if i run any other job, cognos is not putting the entry in audit database, to rectify this i have to restart the server.but again if i run the job with more reports i am facing same issue with audit database. please help me to rectify this issue.
Thanks in advance!!
I would start by looking at the cogserver.log to see if there are errors (possibly log service dying) after you run the job.
Are other things like user logons being recorded after you run the job?
Thanks for reply!!
yes, userlogon recording the data, but we have problem with Runreport table. its not recording the data ones we run the job.
we are taking the details for runreport table.
Any errors in the logs after the job starts? Ie. If you are in a fully working state, then you run the job to "break it", what do you see in the cogserver.log?