Has everyone ever setup a Portal Tab to act as an on-line electronic help page. What I mean is that I need a process for users to email requests changes and wish lists, ideally the portal tab would contain a PDF electronic form which the user would go to and complete and then click a submit button, that would in return send it to the cognos helpdesk email I have setup. In additional to this I would like to use this portal to display news on changes and additions to the Cognos model. A tall order I know but was wondering if anyone has setup this up or seen something similar in use.
Greetings, your portal is going to need to point to another web page that essentially does this for you. Either you will need to create a .Net, php, jsp, etc.. application that allows the user to fill out a web form or link to an existing application that does so.
You may find that you may have one part of the portal tab show the help portion and have a second HTML viewer that points to an RSS or HTML news feed. I have been currently playing around with Apache Roller to set up a blogging type of application to function as a news webpage for the user community. Once finished, I would just link the portal to point to a specific page and they would be set up with a Cognos News portal tab.
Just some ideas to throw out there. Good luck in whatever decision you land on.
Here is cognos support link article, which uses RSS feeds in Report Studio.