Hi ,
Could some one please help me on how to ungroup a particular data item in a cross-tab report.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not clear about what you mean by "ungroup a particular data item in a cross-tab report". Crosstabs inherently group the items used as row and column headings, and summarize the measure values in the cells - this is by design and is a feature of the crosstab structure. Do you mean you want to see repeating row/column headings for each row in the datasource (which is not possible, even if you set the query's Auto Group and Summarize property to 'No'), or am I misunderstanding?
Hi ,
I guess you mean ungroup after you unlock report and move data item in another cell, You can only do it in property of crosstab , group property and change you grouping or delete data item from group structure.
I am not trying to wake up sleeping dogs, here.
Just wanted to give closure.There is a way to ungroup dataitems in crosstab.
I tried it in 8.3.Picked it up from another post.Works only in relational model
Explanation is in terms of Productline and Producttype dataitems.
Add items in the following manner into columns of Crosstab.
Cut Productline
Select first Producttype
Change its 'SourceType' property to 'Dataitem Value'
Change its 'DataitemValue' property to 'Productline'
Hope this helps someone out there.
A sneaky and simple technique is just to add the column containing the most granular data to be the first column in the crosstab, and then setting the box type of that column to none so that it is hidden from view.