Hi All,
If I export entire content store from Cognos connection and import the same in the empty schema will and start the services will I be able to get "My folder" contents of all the users ?
Quote from: cognoslearner1 on 08 Sep 2017 05:53:02 AM
Hi All,
If I export entire content store from Cognos connection and import the same in the empty schema will and start the services will I be able to get "My folder" contents of all the users ?
Yes, provided you use the same authentication provider so that the CAMIDs are the same.
Thank you . Yes we are using the same authentication source.
Approach 1 :
My scenario is we are moving content store schema and audit store schema from oracle database server ( lets say server A) to Oracle Exadata server ( server B)
I had tried earlier to take backup and restore CS and AS from oracle db to oracle Exadata db with the help of DBA (not via export/import from cognos portal) and repointed Cognos configuration to new Exadata by updating configuration with new oracle string and tested it. After connection success I started Cognos services but services did not start after 30 mins of wait. Got an error msg CFG-ERR-0106 IBM Cognos Configuration did not receive a response from the IBM Cognos service in the time allotted and in cbs logs there was an error msg saying "CBSSockSendAction did not detect success string in response." After this I noticed that start button on the configuration was greyed out and stop button was highlighted in the configuration file. I tried to access CM url I got an message saying that content manager services are not running check server logs.
But however once I point my configuration to the previous CS schema on oracle cognos starts perfectly within 15 mins of time. So I am confused why there is a problem when same CS is moved to another server its taking time and unable to start.
The way I am connecting to CS in existing before migration is by choosing database type as "Oracle"
and I am connecting CS after migration to new migrated schema as "Oracle advanced".
Let me know if I need to take care anything or make any changes in approach 1.
Apparoach : 2
As approach 1 was not successful in my case I am planning to go with the approach 2 (Import/export via cognos portal) as suggested by IBM. However I am not sure how to carry all the users Myfolders to the new environment. So please need your help .
So while exporting and importing content store I need to select "Include user account information" right ?
Do I need to make any other changes in advanced settings in ContentManagerService ?
as per below links to get My folder contents of all users.
Kindly help me out with above approaches ..Sorry for the long query .. Thanks a lot