Hi everyone,
I got some Problems in our active report in Cognos 11.0.6 with the "_shift_timezone" function.
Our DB is set on GMT and we're from Germany so we're using GMT + 2 normally, that's why I want to use the _shift_timezone function.
Using the following expression "_shift_timezone ( [database.object.element]; 'GMT' ; 'Europe/Berlin' ) in FM we get the expected outcome but after publishing the package our Report gives the following error message "XQE-DAT-0005 string-value xyz cannot convert the string value to date". I'm pretty sure the outcome of that function is a timestamp too, not a string, but still I tried using the "to_date()" function and it worked; It worked for as long as I didn't use all my queries. I first tested in, for performance reasons, on one of our originally implemented queries and it worked. After using the same expression on all filters I got a new error message "ORA-01706: user function result value was too large". I did not Change anything else than using the timezone function in our FM and afterwards the "to_date".
Can you guys please help me?
Kind regards,