Does anyone knows if cognos work on win10 and ie10?
Quote from: Tommyv on 04 Sep 2017 10:51:15 AM
Does anyone knows if cognos work on win10 and ie10?
The answer can be found here:
The answers appear to be "no" and "yes" in the order in which you asked :)
i don't understand. i connected a laptop to our net. the laptop is with win10 and i can see the cognos connection panel with all the reports, packages and folders.
i can execute the reports, and i can enter to the report studio.
one thing i realized is there is a problem when i export a report with bar chart to pdf, the bar chart on the pdf came without color on the background bar.
is this the only problem or there is something else
Without checking the link MFGF provided, from the client/browser side, I am not sure Cognos cares what OS you are running only what version of what browser you are running. The "no Windows 10" support is more about the actual applications like Cognos server components.
Is the real issue you are asking about your particular report with bar chart when exported to PDF? That is really not an administration issue and would be better over in Report Studio section. To me at least it is a little unclear on the exact problem. If you can, you might attach an example, with any customer or company details your employer may not want revealed in a public place like this masked out.