I am using Active report. My requirement, if I select the country then those country should be displayed in map.
1)I am using Data Radio button group for showing country values.
2)I am using Data Deck control and placing country and then inside it, placing Map. Establishing Master Detail relationship (country)
3)Providing connection between Data Radio button group and Data Deck control.
After doing above, if I select country, then particular country is not showing in the map. The map is not changing and it remains the same after selecting multiple country.
I am using Go DataWarehouse(query) package.
Please help me where am going wrong and your help would be considered as Great.
Quote from: yogeswari on 04 Sep 2017 10:17:01 AM
I am using Active report. My requirement, if I select the country then those country should be displayed in map.
1)I am using Data Radio button group for showing country values.
2)I am using Data Deck control and placing country and then inside it, placing Map. Establishing Master Detail relationship (country)
3)Providing connection between Data Radio button group and Data Deck control.
After doing above, if I select country, then particular country is not showing in the map. The map is not changing and it remains the same after selecting multiple country.
I am using Go DataWarehouse(query) package.
Please help me where am going wrong and your help would be considered as Great.
You haven't specified which map you are using? I assume it's the World Map if you want different countries to be highlighted?
When you added the map, did you make sure your "Region layers" option was set to "Countries + Territories"?
Did you drop your Country data item into the Location slot of the map?
Have you dropped a measure into the Color slot of the map?
Thank you very much for your inputs.
I had done as per below, but it is highlighting the country-region with color based on country selection. But expectation is country-region should show based on country selection.
I am attaching document for your references.
I know only basics of cognos and not in depth.
Please suggest for this.
Quote from: yogeswari on 05 Sep 2017 01:14:04 AM
Thank you very much for your inputs.
I had done as per below, but it is highlighting the country-region with color based on country selection. But expectation is country-region should show based on country selection.
I am attaching document for your references.
I know only basics of cognos and not in depth.
Please suggest for this.
I can see some issues in your approach here:
1. You appear to be using the Region names from the package, but these values do not correspond to any of the values defined in the Countries + Territories layer of the World map, so you're not going to get any rendering happening. "Americas", for example, isn't a feature in the map, but "United States" is.
2. There is a property of the map called "Expand Features". It looks like you currently have this set to No. If you set this to Yes, you should see the selected country centered and expanded to take up all available space.
3. You are using a multi-select control with a data deck, and this is going to cause you lots of trouble. For an explanation of why, see this (http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,32068.msg104821.html#msg104821) post.
Thank you very much for your inputs