Hi everyone
This may be a silly question, but I just want to confirm my understanding. I am modelling against a relational database using Cognos Framework Manager 11.0.6. The model has four layers:
database layer - database query subjects from data source, all are select * from tablename
consolidation layer - model query subjects created from database layer - all joins are here
business layer - model query subjects created from consolidation layer - no joins are here, but there is some merging, calculations, renaming etc.
presentation layer - all shortcuts to the business layer
1. The database layer has database query subjects created with the metadata wizard using the data source (an Oracle database) as the metadata source. These query subjects show up with the little database icon.
2. In the consolidation layer, we have created model query subjects and used the database query subject as the source. These query subjects show up with no database icon.
3. In the business layer, we have created model query subjects and used the model query subject from the consolidation layer.
My questions:
If we 'merge in new query subject' from the database layer, creating a new query subject and answer no to the question 'Do you want to recreate these relationships with the new query subject?', the new query subject is sitting in the database layer, has no database icon, is named TABLENAME_TABLENAME. If I move this to the next layer (business layer) by dragging and dropping, is this the same as result as step 2 above?
How can I tell afterwards what model source a query subject used ie. which layer. The sql for both look the same, the icons are the same and I don't see a property that indicates the answer.
Thanks in advance for any comments/advice you may be willing to share with me.
I see now that the individual query items show the namespace that the item is derived from (the layer name). Don't know how I missed that. Guess I had a good vacation.
Quote from: Penny on 23 Aug 2017 02:35:09 PM
If we 'merge in new query subject' from the database layer, creating a new query subject and answer no to the question 'Do you want to recreate these relationships with the new query subject?', the new query subject is sitting in the database layer, has no database icon, is named TABLENAME_TABLENAME. If I move this to the next layer (business layer) by dragging and dropping, is this the same as result as step 2 above?
Yes - you end up with a model query subject, exactly as in step 2 above.
Quote from: Penny on 23 Aug 2017 02:35:09 PM
How can I tell afterwards what model source a query subject used ie. which layer. The sql for both look the same, the icons are the same and I don't see a property that indicates the answer.
The items in the model query subject point back to the underlying data source query subject(s) they are derived from. If you use the "Edit definition" option for your model query subject, you can see this, but I'm a little late here as you've already realised :)
Quote from: Penny on 23 Aug 2017 02:49:04 PM
I see now that the individual query items show the namespace that the item is derived from (the layer name). Don't know how I missed that. Guess I had a good vacation.
Penny - Was there any specific reason as to creating a Consolidated View and Business View (with model query subjects referencing the Consolidated View) separately? Just trying to gather any advantage this approach may have over the conventional three view approach.