Hello All,
Good Morning
Is there any possibility to hide SQL Query item from Toolbox from Report studio. I would like to hide on User/Role based.
Please share your thoughts..
Appreciate the suggestions!!
Quote from: Dhruv on 18 Aug 2017 06:33:50 AM
Hello All,
Good Morning
Is there any possibility to hide SQL Query item from Toolbox from Report studio. I would like to hide on User/Role based.
Please share your thoughts..
Appreciate the suggestions!!
If you look at the Capabilities section in the Admin Console (security tab) you will see that the Report Studio capability has some sub-capabilities. One of these is the ability to use SQL in reports (it is labelled User Defined SQL). By removing this capability from a user/group/role, you remove their ability to use SQL in reports.
Thank You for the prompt response.
I am aware of the Capabilities section however is there any other way to hide based on User/Role. As an example, To hide Analysis Studio, I will edit system.xml and add below parameter
<param name="ui_hide">
<CRN_HEADER_OPTIONS_as show="Administrators"/>
As such, Is there any possibilities for SQL Query in Report Studio.
Quote from: Dhruv on 18 Aug 2017 06:48:28 AM
Thank You for the prompt response.
I am aware of the Capabilities section however is there any other way to hide based on User/Role. As an example, To hide Analysis Studio, I will edit system.xml and add below parameter
<param name="ui_hide">
<CRN_HEADER_OPTIONS_as show="Administrators"/>
As such, Is there any possibilities for SQL Query in Report Studio.
Why do you need another way when there already is a way to control this capability based on user/role? Can you explain what is deficient about setting permissions on capabilities? Why would modifying system.xml be preferable?
You do realise that MFGF's suggestion is based on user/role? And that a modern tool often allows altering of settings through a GUI and not just a configuration file, like in the previous century?
Quote from: Invisi on 25 Aug 2017 03:44:53 AM
... like in the previous century?
Ahh yes. The good old days when I was a youngster :D Whatever happened to punch cards, anyway? :)
QuoteWhatever happened to punch cards, anyway? :)
Well, the stocks we had left when we moved to a cardless system ca. 1982 mostly got used for making shopping lists. Very handy they were too :)
Let me guess what Druv is actually asking. Since I'm using 11.0.4 (crippled worse than 10.2.1), I may have the same problem.
I Know I can set the security on the Report Studio | User Defined SQL capability in Cognos Administration such that some users (roles) can use that feature when creating a report. There, I can also prevent other users from using the feature.
Here's my scenario:
1. Everyone is a report author. Some are better at it than others.
2. For more savvy users, I don't want to restrict them in this way. They need to have User Defined SQL in their toolbox to use database elements that I deliberately did not include in the Cognos models. (Make it simple for the masses. Let the smart people do interesting things.)
3. For users that are not as good with computers or databases, I don't want to grant them access to use User Defined SQL to create a report. It's dangerous.
Prevent the less capable report authors (users) from using User Defined SQL.
Most users can now NOT use the reports created by the savvy users if they used User Defined SQL.
It turns out you need to be able to add User Defined SQL to a report in order to run a report that was developed using that feature.
So, either this valuable feature is available to everybody or nobody.
IBM claims there is an RFE for this (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=viewRfe&CR_ID=69285) but it just says that the icon can be hidden and leads to the 10.2.2 help for custom user interface profiles where it doesn't tell you how to hide the icon.
Even if the icon can be hidden, that is not a security feature. A user with knowledge of XML and Cognos report specifications can copy the report spec to the clipboard, edit it in a text editor, then open the report from the clipboard.
OK. Rant over. Getting back to work.