I'm trying to create a join across data sources. I've done this successfully with one of the tables and another data source, but I have a new data source and table that I need to join and this is the error I'm getting. Google is no help.
QE-DEF-0177 An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlPrepareWithOptions' status='-248'.
UDA-SQL-0190 A local database name is required within a multi-database to locate a specific database.
Both data sources have the Schema property correctly filled in. And I'm successfully reporting on them individually. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Do you have the query processing properties of each datasource set to 'limited local'?
Thank you, good suggestion! Unfortunately, it didn't work. ???
If you look at the properties of the two data sources in Framework Manager, what are the 'Content Manager Datasource', 'Catalog' and 'Schema' values set to for each?