Ok, I realize I'm trying to do something against nature, but basically if I am sorting a report by id and if there is a (sometimes) common field of "group" on the report, then if I simply sort by id I get:
Group 2 ID1
Group 2 ID2
Group 1 ID3
Group 1 ID4
Group 1 ID5
Group 2 ID6
Group 2 ID7
What I want is:
Group 2 ID1
Group 1 ID3
Group 2 ID6
I realize this isn't really grouping, but is there another way to get rid of the repeated field?
Well, you'd have to do some sort of conditional formatting to suppress the duplicates, so you'd need access to the previous record's value to compare, so if you could get 2 queries to run the same list, with sequential row numbers that differ by one across the 2 queries, and then join on those sequential row numbers, you could
(sound of my head exploding)