Hey guys.
I built a report with a prompt page and main page. When the user hits Finish on the prompt page they see the report. But how can they re-run the report to go back to the prompt page?
In CBI 10 there was an option in the tool bar for a user to re-run/re-prompt a report. I don't see the same thing in CA11.0.4.
Teach me o great gurus.
That depends.
What version of Cognos are you using?
What is the run with full interactivity property set to?
In 11.0.4, this is the behavior:
If run with full interactivity is No, click on Reset prompts and run.
If run with full interactivity is Yes, close the report and run it again.
Thanks Doug. The client is not going to be happy when I tell them that. We are using full interactivity as they want to be able to dynamically sort on any column header in a list, etc.
I tried a REPROMPT button that that didn't work. I could create something using JS and a Custom Control perhaps.
I just thought of a way, maybe.
Create a button object on the page header and do a drill-through to itself.
Hey Blue,
Add a prompt button to the page and set property type = "back"
That should allow you to go back to prompt page after showing results.
No need to JS or Custom. Good luck!
Btw I've used this in 11.0.6
Cheers mate. That works fine.