As part of my migration from 10.2.1 to 11.0. 6.1
I am having issues with functionality and security related to setting up appropriate security on to allow users to view/interact with their own Activities and Schedules (Previously located under user options in V10).
I have granted the user execute/traverse capability to Administration and the same authorities for Run Activities and Schedules underneath that.
This user now has the Manage link on left hand bar. This gives them links for Activities, Administration Console, and New Job.
For Activities:
Schedule - Works as Expected
Upcoming - Appears to work OK as nothing is currently scheduled
Past - Nothing shows even though I know jobs have run.
Current - Works as expected
Any thoughts as to why Past Activities would show no entries?
For Administration Console:
The user only has access to the first Status tab (Current Activities, Past Activities, Upcoming Activities, and Schedules).
All these work as expected, but show all user Jobs - Not just the user in question and allow the user functionality to cancel anyone else's job (not what I wish).
Has anyone advice in correct setup and security configuration to allow non-administrative users the ability to view and interact with their own running report and report run history only?
Ideally, I'd like the users to see only a fully functional Activities link and no link to the Administration Console (or at least a read only view).
Thanks in advance,
I don't know why you aren't seeing what you expect, but thought I'd mention there is an open RFE about this. You'll need an IBM ID to login and view this. I'd recommend voting for it as well. Giving someone admin privilege to see schedules means (I think) they'd need an admin license so be aware in case you inadvertently give privileges your aren't licensed to give.
Hopefully others can help with the specific permissions you need. I agree that opening up the admin console is not desirable but I'm not sure you've got any other option until they address this issue.
Thanks Lynn!
I am already aware of the open issue and have already voted for it.
I was examining this as a workaround.
However, I don't want to give the business community full access to the Admin tab and certainly I don't want to add Admin licenses for this!
Thanks again,