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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: Blue on 08 Aug 2017 08:19:38 PM

Title: Drill through produces incorrect page rendering
Post by: Blue on 08 Aug 2017 08:19:38 PM
G'day all
I have a prob which I suspect is a bug.

Cognos Analytics 11.0.04 running on Red Hat Linux and a DB2 content store and data source.

Two reports (formatted as dashboards) which I'll name Report 1 and Report 2. Both are complex.
Report 1 displays a summary bar of KPIs in both chart and text form. Below that is a heat map on the left and a conditional bloack on the right. The CB is controlled by a prompt value. The CB shows an image of a map. Over this is layered a hidden table. In certain cells of the table are Custom Controls which call a ToolTip JavaScript. A query passes data to the CC and JS code is designed to popup and show the data when the user places the mouse cursor over a point. This is an blue dot image in the table cell. Above the summary KPI bar is a menu. The user can click on one of three options to dill-through to another report. The DT is set to open the new report in the same window/tab in the browser and no paramters as passed - it's just for navigation. This report is a corporate overview.
Report 2 displays a summary bar of KPIs in both chart and text form. Below that are four heat maps. The user can click on one of three options to dill-through to another report including Report 1.

User opens Report 1 then clicks on the menu link for Report 2. So far so good and both reports opened and rendered cleanly and correctly.
On Report 2 user clicks menu link for Report 1. When Report 1 renders the image has been move out of place and the data set code is displayed!

I've tried three different browsers with the same result on all. Doc is attached.

Any ideas?

Title: Re: Drill through produces incorrect page rendering
Post by: cassinium on 16 Aug 2017 07:43:43 PM
I'm also seeing report rendering problems in Cognos Analytics 11.0.5.  Occasionally, reports would render without table and other formattings.  I'm using Chrome browser version 60.0.3112.90.
Title: Re: Drill through produces incorrect page rendering SOLVED
Post by: Blue on 24 Aug 2017 06:56:09 PM
I tweaked the drill through options on the page and the issue is no more. Still trying to identify which specific option fixed it though. See attachment: target Report setting on left, source DT setting on the right.
Title: Re: Drill through produces incorrect page rendering
Post by: ankur10 on 07 Sep 2017 02:42:33 AM
Sorry to jump in, just wanted to ask is it possible to make drill through in PDF reports?
Title: Re: Drill through produces incorrect page rendering
Post by: Blue on 17 Sep 2017 11:12:14 PM
No. But you can add a URL in a PDF report that is a link to another report.
Title: Re: Drill through produces incorrect page rendering
Post by: cassinium on 18 Sep 2017 03:02:36 PM
My rendering issue is fixed when I upgraded from R5 to R7.