I have to set up a report template to be used by some non coders and need to have a "Run By: Username" in the template footer.
I've been using #sq($account.defaultName)# in a query calculation to do the job on a standard report footer but templates dont accept this - which I kind of understand. Any suggestions? Could it be done as Javascript in an html object
just drage on text Iteam in you report footer and type what name u want
Thanks but i dont think that's what I'm after. I'd rather the users didnt have to enter their username everytime they run a report. Is that what you meant? I also want to make this easy for our report authors so that they just pick up the template rather than have to remeber to code it on every report.
see this document in cognos support . it will help you
Document#: 1005516.3
Ancient post but I googled this and found: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21343986&aid=4
Hello everyone,
I am facing the same issue and links above doesn't work - does anyone resolved it? :)
You can use macro for this.
1. Create a query
2. Add a new data item with expression #sq($account.defaultName)#
You can also use account.personalInfo.givenName or account.personalInfo.userName.
Note: sorry for any typo in the above names if any.
Finally create a singleton in footer. I hope this will help.
Thanks & Regards,
Mayank Sanghvi