Hello, we have a couple of reports with prompts that when a user runs them, the prompt page displays, but the report runs automatically without allowing the user to select any prompt values. There are some value prompts on the prompt page but none are set to autosubmit. The report was behaving the same way for me, but I simply edited the report and saved it and then it worked fine after that. This almost feels like a cacheing issue, but I'm not sure how to resolve it. Some of the prompts are required and have no default values. I can see that the Finish button on the prompt page is disabled for the few seconds the prompt page is displayed before the report displays.
Has anyone run into this issue or does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this?
I have some more information on this issue. The 'autorun' where the report blows through the prompt page seems to happen when I re-publish the package that the report is using. To fix this, I just have to edit the report and save it. Has anyone seen this before in Cognos 11?
We have the exact same issue and also occurs with a package publish. That has to be the key.
We've set one of our prompts to required, which makes it pause so you can make other selections, but this is an ugly bug.
We have a pmr open with support, you should do the same and we can reference each others ticket #s to add more weight.
Thanks for the reply. We'll enter a PMR as well. We actually have required prompts on our report and it still blows right through them. The Finish button on the prompt page is even disabled because no required prompts have been selected yet and it still runs the report.
Hmm not sure why that wouldn't work for you. When we set to required, ours pause on the prompt screen. Do you have a default value or perhaps auto-submit set for that particular prompt? I can have my developer provide more context to you over pm if you'd like.