Is it possible to change the Cognos Analytics (11.0.5) root directory on unix from 'ibmcognos' to something else like 'analytics'? The sysadmin tried it but it looks like there is something in the Cognos configuration that we can't find that tripped it up.
Thanks for any insight, -j
Are you talking about at the gateway?
If so yes, We currently have '' as our cognos analytics root path.
You change the virtual directory name and make sure that directory forwards to /bi/ and your /bi/ directory has all the necessary URL rewrite settings.
The Headers inbound rule HTTP_X_BI_PATH server variable must be changed. In your case the value of /ibmcognos/bi/v1 would need changed to /analytics/bi/v1
Awesome! :) Thanks for the info, we're looking into it.