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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: ImSteve on 04 Jul 2017 10:23:53 AM

Title: QFS-ERR-1041 error on package access change
Post by: ImSteve on 04 Jul 2017 10:23:53 AM
Running Cognos 10.2.2. I´m technically front-end Cognos admin, but by role and necessity, not by trade. I need some help here.

First, my goal is to limit access so users can use their studio only on specific packages. These are users that have access to:
- Query Studio and custom, well-behaved Self-service packages to use it on
- other packages, to use and refresh companywide reports. Some of those packages are really messy and not for casual use.

Currently we have to ask users to please ignore the other packages in Query Studio, which is of course not ideal.

Now, according to various sources (including MFGF here), the fix should be to limit access on those packages to just Execute and Traverse, and remove Read access, but I can't get that to work; everytime I remove the Read access for anyone they'll immediately get the error "QFS-ERR-0141; This report service is configured as 64-bit and only supports packages published with the dynamic query mode".

I don't have access to the config tool to check the actual settings (and my server admins don't like fiddling with things to see what works unless they Know), but in any case, those packages are DQM, and work just fine otherwise. Just as long as you have Read access.

Anybody has any idea? Am I even in the right area to ask?

Thanks in advance,
Title: Re: QFS-ERR-1041 error on package access change
Post by: Dhruv on 10 Jul 2017 06:39:04 AM
Hello Steve,

As per your description, I would suggest only one solution is to change Report Server execution to 32 bit. After this you are able to set properties as per the role you want.
You can verify Report Server Execution from file called "Cogstartup.xml". Look for below parameter:
<crn:parameter name="rsvpExecutionMode">
    <crn:value xsi:type="xsd:string">32-bit</crn:value>

The above file present under configuration directory.
Title: Re: QFS-ERR-1041 error on package access change
Post by: ImSteve on 13 Jul 2017 04:55:22 AM
Thanks for the reply Dhruv, but that's not enough for my admins. They're not going to fix something that ain't broke without much more info. As I said, the packages work fine as is, it's just when I remove the Read access that reports start to riot.
I need to know
- why this happens / what is the link from package access to bit setting.
- what *other* consequences there would be to changing this.

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: QFS-ERR-1041 error on package access change
Post by: Dhruv on 18 Aug 2017 06:43:11 AM
Hello Steve,

You can refer below link:

This might help you to solve the problem.

Title: Re: QFS-ERR-1041 error on package access change
Post by: ImSteve on 06 Oct 2017 05:52:05 AM
This is the slowest conversation I ever had  ;D
But I do appreciate the help of course!

I remember that link from my initial Google searches, but dismissed it as irrelevant as we don't have 32/64 bit or DQM/CQM mixes that I know of. I was actually typing that as a reply but after checking our settings I found we have no server groups configured, which does in fact look like the exact situation described here.
I'm going to send this to my admins and see what happens.

Don't hold your breath for follow-up, things can take a long time in my company. But thanks a lot for your assistance so far!