G'day all again,
Cognos Analytics 11.0.4 on Red Hat Linux. Browser I.E. 11 or Chrome.
If I don't get the error mentioned in my previous post, if get this one for the same report:
ERROR: Unable to get property '0' of undefined or null reference
In case I'm guessing it has something to do with Custom Controls on the page. I think there are six and I get this message six times. After clicking OK on the last message the report appears to hang. If it does render it appears to be frozen. I.e. no interactivity works.
Any thoughts?
I could not find any reference to this error via Google or the IBM DeveloperWorks site.
Is it an active report with Rave visualizations? Perhaps it is this issue?
When we were on 4 I got this message for active reports with rave:
Unable to get property
'com.ibm.cognos.adapters.rave.RAVEChartAdapter' of undefined or null reference
After we upgraded to 5 the issues were resolved except there was a similar problem for a report that had a first card with only button controls (no visualizations). I hid a tiny rave visualization on that page so the engine would load and then all was right with the world.
It's a standard interactive report but formatted as a dashboard. It includes section that displays a map (image file) over which several Custom Controls are placed. Each CC uses a different data query but the same JavaScript file. When a user passes the mouse cursor over the spot on the map where the CC is located, a panel pops up to display the data from the query. It's the closest I've been able to get to near real-time data display (the table data is supposed to be refreshed every so many seconds) using Reports.
The table that the query pulls from was empty. Once it was populated I no longer got this error.