We have made a Table/ Query, for an Outer Join, to ensure all Conditions
and all Groups are displayed even where there would be no data for a
particular Condition / Group combination. The Table/ Query is ...
Condition Group
Severe AAA
Severe BBB
Severe CCC
Moderate AAA
Moderate BBB
Moderate CCC
Minor AAA
Minor BBB
Minor CCC
Minimal AAA
Minimal BBB
Minimal CCC
I am a Cognos novice.
I set New Links for both joining Condition and Group.
I tried these cardinality options ...
For left outer join (A-B)1:1-0:n A left outer join on B
For right Outer (A-B) 0:n-1:1 A right outer join on B
For full outer Join 0:n-0:n
All attempts error as ...
The 'ces_currentmeasure' function is not supported in the context in which it is used.
What am I doing wrong?
TIA, Bob
Quote from: Cognos_Jan2017 on 23 Jun 2017 11:06:23 AM
We have made a Table/ Query, for an Outer Join, to ensure all Conditions
and all Groups are displayed even where there would be no data for a
particular Condition / Group combination. The Table/ Query is ...
Condition Group
Severe AAA
Severe BBB
Severe CCC
Moderate AAA
Moderate BBB
Moderate CCC
Minor AAA
Minor BBB
Minor CCC
Minimal AAA
Minimal BBB
Minimal CCC
I am a Cognos novice.
I set New Links for both joining Condition and Group.
I tried these cardinality options ...
For left outer join (A-B)1:1-0:n A left outer join on B
For right Outer (A-B) 0:n-1:1 A right outer join on B
For full outer Join 0:n-0:n
All attempts error as ...
The 'ces_currentmeasure' function is not supported in the context in which it is used.
What am I doing wrong?
TIA, Bob
Rather than me explain, I'll point you to Craig's blog, which does so far more eloquently :)
MFGF - Beautiful. Great to begin a Monday this way.
THANK you, Bob