Hi Gurus,
I have a crosstab with location(2 levels of data) in the rows and Measure in columns.
Display of the location is such, that whatever level is selected in the prompt, the display would be that particular level and the child level.
Measure1 MeasureX
Level 1 Loc 100 X
Level 2 memb1 70 Y
Level 2 memb2 20 Z
Level 2 memb3 10 Z
Location data is defined as [Location]:
descendants(set(#promptmany('p_loc','MUN','[Operations].[Location].[Location].[Total]->:[TM].[Location].[Location].[@MEMBER].[All Locations]')#), 1, beforewithmember self)
I have defined a data item that gives me the level as [Level]:
Now, I want to find the max of the [Measure1] for Level 2 members only. But facing issues as:
When taking maximum([Measure1]), it is displaying individual member values in the max column.
Measure1 max(Measure1)
Level 1 Loc 100 100
Level 2 memb1 70 70
Level 2 memb2 20 20
Level 2 memb3 10 10
When taking maximum([Measure1] within set [Location]), it is displaying maximum value of the parent
Measure1 max(Measure1)
Level 1 Loc 100 100
Level 2 memb1 70 100
Level 2 memb2 20 100
Level 2 memb3 10 100
I want to display the data like :
Measure1 max(Measure1)
Level 1 Loc 100 100
Level 2 memb1 70 70
Level 2 memb2 20 70
Level 2 memb3 10 70
Need help.
Issue is resolved by taking maximum of child member of the selected location.